UK Doctors for COVID Ethics International 25 Jan 2024
Another solid 30000ft level presentation about how the Plandemic was done.
Some grammar, repeated words, and other minor edits have been made. The video is not edited.
00:05:45:03 - 00:06:07:57
I'm going to borrow a starting slide from my friend Vera Sharav. I think Edward Bernays’ statement is very important here. <reading> The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society, and those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling Power Of our country. <stops reading> And maybe now with the Internet and with the WHO. And other Organizations around Public Health, it may be that this may be the mechanism by which they plan to rule our global society.
00:06:22:06 - 00:06:24:19
And I want to start here all the time just to Bring everybody up to speed. I apologize if it's a bothersome thing for those of you outside of the UK, but I've been trying to explain that we've been fooled into solving a mystery. And I use the example of a cartoon show from the United States called Scooby Doo, where teenagers solve a mystery every week in the town that they're driving through. And it inevitably involves a monster that needs to have its mask removed. And then the bad guy is revealed to be someone that was earlier in the show.
00:06:53:09 - 00:09:35:11
What I am suggesting here. And. Something that. I want to be very clear about is it's not in 2020 that this started, but it started a much longer time ago with the co-opting of certain investigative lines in primary literature in biology. And so by carefully co-opting certain narratives into the biological literature and importantly, funding, Investigation into certain ideas in the primary literature. You can seed a series of papers over a series of years that can imply a danger that's not there. It can imply a link that's not there. One of the most spectacular ones from my own field is the preponderance of literature here that's looking at correlations between genes and autism and often in animal models of autism. And so after many years of funding this kind of research, we have a whole a whole foundation by which anyone who wants to justify the further investigation into the genetic causes of autism can simply cite all of these hundreds of papers and build their grand proposal from there. So it's a very dangerous sort of environment in which this pseudo intellectual pursuit occurs.
Because you can't just ask any question you want. You've got to ask a question for which you can get funding. And often times the way that academic biology makes progress is dictated solely by what questions they're allowed to ask and with response. With regard to RNA viruses, that general academic pursuit has been hyper controlled for a very long time. And I think if you reflect on all the people that are involved in virology and how virology from AIDS onward has been, let's say, scripted, you can see that there's some incongruence between the real biology that we can verify and the real biology that they claim. At the same time, of course, they've been running tabletop exercises. The most famous one is, the most famous example of one is Event 201. But of course, we can go back decades and see that there were many tabletop exercises looking at bioterrorism, what could be done and what could happen. Now, the trick with this is to understand number 3 is to understand that they have gamed this out on a table and they've actually run it live before. There was a swine pandemic in swine flu pandemic, and in 1976, that was part of this. There was one in 2009 that was part of this that afterward was analyzed over and over again, especially from different countries perspectives.
00:09:35:11 - 00:09:59:38
And how the language barrier in a place like Belgium played a huge role in the uptake of the vaccine. They analyzed this like a postwar analysis of the battle plan and lamented about the fact that they didn't have the kind of social media reach in 2009 that they have now, and that maybe they would have been more successful in the Flanders section of Belgium, the French speaking part, had they been able.
00:09:59:38 - 00:10:36:49
To work into that language a little better. All of these things have been gamed in such a way so that this time around the actual presentation of the narrative at the very beginning was hyper controlled, right down to the three-word phrase build back better or new normal. These kinds of things were just as this is the obvious, this is the one they made videos about so that everybody got excited about, Look, all these world leaders are saying build back better, but nobody got really suspicious about some of the other things that everyone was agreeing about, including the fact that this was a pandemic.
00:10:36:54 - 00:12:30:50
The attributes of the pandemic were actually early on seeded in such a way, I believe, so, that the narrative of worst-case scenario was present from the beginning and that people could already consider in January of 2020 that if these people are lying about it, and it is the worst-case scenario, we could all lose several people in our lives. That billions of people were going to die. And so this worst case scenario was extremely important, number one, to make sure that everybody complied from masks to lockdowns to getting iPads and putting your kids in front of them all the way, eventually to the end of 2020, where the transfer actions using adenovirus or using M RNA and lipid nanoparticles were taken gladly because of the Fear of worst case scenario. They, of course, told this story under the pretense of a national security response. And so the people that were curating this narrative were also kind of under some constraints, under what they could say and were required to say that we're at war with this virus and that is biblical. And finally, the whole idea and I really believe this with all of my heart, that one of the main objectives of the original three years was to make sure that a story about a virus spike protein could be confounded with the story of transfection to that spike protein so that when transfection didn't work out as well as they hoped it would, they would be able to blame it on the poor rust choice of the spike protein as the transfection target rather than transfection in general. And now we can move on to subsequent generations of this technology purporting to solve some of the problems that are there. And I will include the double stranded DNA contamination in this general ruse to try and confuse us about what effects are coming from where.
00:12:30:50 - 00:12:48:24
GIORDANO (video)
Really what I want is high morbidity. I want people to complain, So what do I do? I go to Des Moines, ladies and gentlemen, to people on the screen. I have nothing against Des Moines. I lived there for four years. I go to Des Moines, I infect a couple of sentinel cases in Des Moines. I go to Seattle, I infect a couple of cases there.
00:12:48:28 - 00:14:19:39
Okay so we've listened to this video before. This video is Dr. (James) Giordano. Dr… I can't remember his first name shoot but anyway. Does it matter? Dr. Giordano he works for the U.S. Army and he's explaining here how a seeding of a few annoying cases using a toxin or some other substance which would cause people to go to the hospital and complain could be combined with an Internet campaign to create the illusion of spread. And then that illusion of spread could be claimed by a terrorist group and also denied by governments. And you could cause confusion that would cause a rift between the populace and their government, and that would ruin a country over time. Now, although this is not exactly what I think happened, I think that this presentation from 2017 really puts out an outline which we need to consider as a real possibility, as an alternative to the idea that either a natural or a lab leak virus has circulated the globe for the last four and a half years and that it has changed its flavor several times across the entire globe in a sort of almost I don't know, color changing kind of manner. This story doesn't have any foundation in biology, but this one has stories in, has a foundation in military lectures, it has a foundation in biology, and it has a foundation and previous tabletop exercises which discussed these kinds of things.
00:14:19:39 - 00:15:20:54
So number one, a military response with the ability to drive local mass casualty events. I believe that it's very possible that in the places where the script called for a lot of people to get sick. There was also a military presence to make sure that that appearance was maintained doesn't necessarily mean that 20,000 people were killed in four weeks in New York, but that seems to be the numbers right now. We don't have death certificates. We don't have any firm evidence of where these 20 000 bodies went. But the numbers that are officially reported. The Mass Casualty events that begins and ends in four weeks. There's no evidence of spread after that. And these numbers need to be corroborated because, again, the New York City was a place where lots of people rushed to help, including people like Pierre Corry, who although he came after that 20,000 deaths event, was very quickly in front of the U.S. Senate telling about how this was a war and that this was crazy, deadly, and that it was a real battle.
00:15:20:54 - 00:16:14:20
And so we've got to be very careful here because it's very likely that the beginning of the pandemic in these places where these mass casualty events occurred, people were also co-opted.
They walked in, they said, “Hey, this is a national security thing. “We don't know how bad it's going to be. It could be worst case scenario. We need your help. We're glad you came. But we need this message delivered to social media. You're a credible guy. I think you can handle it. But you're going to have to stay on script a little bit because the worst-case scenario, we need everybody to believe it.”
So that they comply, so that they lockdowns, that they wear their masks, so that we figure out whether this is really bad or whether it's ongoing. And so they could have scared him, threatened him. I’m not saying that anybody was given a suitcase of cash. And, you know, and that's how they did this. I'm saying that that the people who ran this used the worst-case scenario to co-opt all of these people to make sure that they stayed on narrative.
00:16:14:20 - 00:17:36:37
And at the same time in the background, their financial and legal incentives to declare COVID. And at the same time, there's this social media campaign where the worst-case scenario of a lab leak is already being whispered about and at the same time, there are people on regular TV already denying that That's crazy. And now if you institute inside of hospitals, little tweaks to different knobs, little tweaks to different procedures so that the average all-cause mortality goes up and then you have a couple of specific things that when they test positive or this is they're suspected of being COVID, you can get a lot of money if you put them on this protocol. And you're also free of legal obligation if you put them on this protocol, then there's going to be a lot of hospitals, especially in America, who are going to put them on this protocol. If you also combine that with social policies like do not resuscitate orders to EMTs or any countless other ways that they mistreated old people in nursing homes, you can also increase all-cause mortality under the umbrella of this spreading COVID virus, emergency social policies and these COVID hospital protocols then need to be ignored by the people who are perpetuating the worst case scenario narrative not because they're mean, but because this is part of the way that this would work.
00:17:36:37 - 00:19:22:30
We didn't know anything then. There were no numbers. We can look back now and look like, Wow, you should have known better, but we really can't say it then. And that's how I got stuck into this too. That's the reason they convinced the public that a lab leak cover up was happening before their eyes. I was involved in a drastic Twitter group that also convinced me that I was breaking the story of a lab leak right before my eyes. I felt like I was being a hero. And so they roped us in to figuring this mystery out into fighting about it. And all the while they also used Australia and New Zealand as lockdown examples where they threw people on the ground and forced them to get in masks and they brought them to trailers away from their house to be quarantined. They couldn't do that in America. But they needed to show the rest of the world what could be done and what might work, what a real lockdown looks like. Then they needed people like Brett Weinstein in America to complain that while we didn't lock down hard enough, otherwise we'd already be at zero COVID zero COVID being real thing that we talked about for two years that we've all forgotten about. But that was a real debate. And so the way that they hid all of this activity was to just agree that we're going to talk about a novel virus. We're going to talk about millions of people died. We're going to talk about millions more could be saved if you just listen to me, and we're going to talk about gain of function being a real likely source of it. And therefore, this danger will come again and again. And if you don't question this stuff, you can say anything else. And they have been laying this narrative for decades that cell culture and animal passage can access pandemic potential. And now we can stitch them together and it's even worse.
00:19:22:30 - 00:21:01:21
And they want us to pass this idea on to our children so that they grow up with these boogeymen forever. That this mythology governs their behavior. And I believe there are number of people on the Internet that were recruited before the pandemic for narrative control, not even knowing there was going to be a pandemic just thinking that, wow, I get to help out with the governance structure of America by being the new social media, the new media, the new Mainstream media. I get to be that guy. That's so fun. Joe Rogan doesn't have $100 million contract on Spotify for nothing. And so we had guys like this in America in February of 2020. Listen carefully.
Hell. Biblical. I, I kid you not. People come in, they get intubated, they die. The cycle repeats you overwhelmed? Yeah. The systems overwhelm all over the place. My daughter's an intern in Brooklyn. First year resident. She starts the ICU today. I couldn't sleep last night. It's. It's scary. 9/11….
00:21:01:21 - 00:22:37:10
No, no. He was. Sorry. He says one more thing. He said 9/11 was nothing compared to this. Now, what's important to see is that that guy was also featured on Tucker Carlson. So even though we now know when we look back at New York City, most of the hospitals were empty. That guy was on Fox News telling the United States, the whole world, that it was biblical like hell and they had world leaders saying that it was a pandemic and it's we're going. To it's the New normal. We're going to build back better. They had people on the news saying this. They had virologists agreeing that the ACE2 receptor or her ace2 receptor affinity sure seems to indicate that they enrich this in a laboratory, maybe even with you humanized mice. And none of these people acknowledge that there was this huge propaganda campaign that caused fear and uncertainty and doubt. They sent old attending physicians home because the virus was so dangerous. You didn't want these people. That were near retirement to be in the O.R. or into the air. Rather, they sent old professors home from university, said, Don't come in. You should just take early retirement, because if you come into a university, you could get this terrible thing and you could die. They told people not to resuscitate people because you'll spread the virus. When you give them CPR. You spread the virus. Ventilators with a higher pressure setting than you've ever used before, because otherwise they might spread the virus.
00:22:37:10 - 00:23:43:55
Yeah, but these people can talk and it doesn't matter. Sedate them, and vent them because they get COVID money. Then $35,000 a person and they get no there's no liability for the for the for the care of that person if they designated them COVID. The lack of antibiotic use was just built into the protocol. Poor use of steroids is just built into the protocol. Eventually, Midazolam and Remdesivir was built into the protocol. Opioid deaths have gone up every year in America since 2017. Or something like that. But since the start of the pandemic, they're going up much more rapidly. These are not excess deaths that can be discounted, but they are excess deaths that very easily. Hospital administrators could call COVID and did. More importantly, these deaths happen across age groups which reduce the expected Lifespan of America. And then they can be pointed to as saying, look at what COVID did and without any honest accounting of what's actually happening in America, what's actually killing people in America, these deaths are getting mixed up as COVID because they only care about excess.
00:23:43:55 - 00:24:21:14
And if you compute it wrong, all of those are excess deaths, certificate fraud, financial incentives. And then we go to track and trace, which happened in America for literally a year. They had whole companies that were making phone calls to warn you that somebody that you work with was tested positive. And then we go all the way back to the beginning and we find this PCR fraud, this lateral flow test fraud and likely sequencing fraud, which we have all come to accept as being evidence of something which it's not. And we've come to it to accept that evidence, because no matter who we got into arguments with, they just seem to all be stuck on this novel virus as being real.
00:24:21:14 - 00:25:07:37
It's the limited spectrum of debate that we've been trapped in for four years. The way that we get our family and friends out is by alerting them to the idea that this hasn't been a vigorous debate. It's been a very limited debate. They actually tricked you into solving a mystery that got you to accept their monster. They started us out in the beginning of the pandemic, got a lonely road all by ourselves, with only social media and mainstream media to look to besides our family. And then no matter who you got in the car with, they were going to tell you a story about a novel virus that killed millions, that we should be able to save more people from if we would just give them these novel treatments and gain of function is definitely a possibility and the virus will come again.
00:25:07:37 - 00:25:54:41
And so it didn't matter who you chose, it was a random cards. If you got lucky and chose Mike Yeadon well, and maybe you were losing your mind for three years because no one else agreed with you. If you heard Wolfgang Wodarg before he stopped speaking up because of censorship. You might have been gone crazy by now. But if you found any of these other people on TV or in social media, you're still hot in the debate about, my gosh, these people were lying to me. Brett Weinstein was hot on this telling about a lab leak and natural virus. He even had a member of Drastic on his show named Uri Dagan, who was the first guy to identify the fear and cleavage site that supposedly set this from a normal average Corona virus into something that could skirt the world for five years, like a lightning bolt.
00:25:54:41 - 00:25:56:00
Most recently I got courted by…one of the things that happened…not most recently, but most relevant to the story. I want to tell you today is that Charles Rixey, a member of Drastic and an American, came to my house in Pittsburgh to convince me that my assessment of the DEFUSE proposal, which is a leaked grand proposal which supposedly describes the insertion of furin cleavage sites into coronaviruses and then spraying them into bat caves by EcoHealth Alliance was likely a fake. I said that moment, the moment that anybody showed it to me. I said, “That's got to be a fake. There's no way that anybody would have written that grand proposal.” And if they did write that grand proposal, they wrote it just so that people would believe that these experiments would be done.
00:26:38:33 - 00:27:40:51
They're ridiculous. And even if they did them, my current conclusion is that (there's) this doesn't create pandemic potential, but it does create this ongoing debate about whether that's pandemic potential or not, which is the Scooby do to begin with. So this guy was involved in that. He actually came to my house. He's one of the people who claims that he released the DEFUSE proposal to the public. Now, why is this important with regard to Kevin McKernan? Well, Kevin McKernan is this guy who worked for the Human Genome Project. He's not a doctor or a Ph.D., but he's a very clever guy. He's sold a lot of patents to different companies, a lot of companies he's sold or got bought out because he's got a lot of ideas about how to sequence DNA. So there's no question that he's sharp as a knife. The deal is, though, is that he's been on my stream at least twice. He came on my stream in the first two years to talk about the transfection, to talk about the RNA impurities, to talk about what would happen when they caught on optimized the RNA. And so we had an ongoing relationship, but at some point in time, that ongoing relationship tumbled and stopped.
00:27:40:51 - 00:28:46:44
And because I said that the double stranded DNA in the shot was probably not the worst thing that's in there. And even if that wasn't in there, it would still be bad, which is what I thought we agreed on already with the previous two times we had discussed this. However, that kind of fell apart. Why is that interesting? Well, it's interesting because after being blocked for over a year, it looks like Robert Malone is promoting Kevin McKernan and a particular article. It's a particular article about the DEFUSE proposal and about how the DEFUSE proposal has had some extra evidence brought forth because, hey, a FOIA request reported by Emily Koff has shown that they ordered some of the enzymes that would have been needed in the proposal, that they had some email conversations about the contents of the proposal. So these these other orbiting documents are argued by Robert Malone, Kevin McKernan, a guy by the name of ARC Medic and Jessica Rose, all to be further evidence that the DEFUSE proposal…
00:28:46:44 - 00:29:25:53
...was real, that they actually put fear and cleavage sites into coronaviruses and they sprayed them into bat caves. And so the implication is, is that they made it and that an RNA did circulate the globe for the last four years and is still circulating. Now, I want to put reference to the fact that I also wrote an article about this at the time that the paper came out with none other than Charles Rixey, that guy that came to my house and Robert F Kennedy Jr in the CHD defender. In that article. I acknowledge that the DEFUSE proposal has this methodology in it, but I was already at that point telling Bobby that you have to consider the possibility that DEFUSE.
00:29:25:53 - 00:30:25:03
Proposal is a fake with the design of trying to get people to buy into this lab leak thing. Because a lab leak implies a virus with unknown potential, it could be an unknown level of deadly and unknown level of stable and unknown level of whatever, because it's not natural. And that's the whole, that's the whole beauty of the Scooby Doo. Once you start accepting this as a mystery you need to solve, you're accepting that that boogeyman. And so what's interesting about the promotion of this is that it all seems to be a concerted effort to Make DEFUSE Real Again. Why is that interesting? Well, because I think this all spun out of control. When I started to talk about what clones are. And I think that this has a lot to do with this, because if you look in the comments section of this actual post, you will find a comment about Kevin that Kevin McKernan, the author of this makes to a subscriber or follower of me.
00:30:25:03 - 00:30:52:55
And so I just want to read this. I know it's sometimes annoying to have somebody read something, but it's a little low and it's a little small, and I want to make some points about what this is. And then we're going to listen to what we're going to discuss, what this is really all about. So this is somebody who said that what about clones and the fact that RNA can't go around the world with high fidelity for many years. That was the that's the basic 30,000 foot message that I've had for a while. You're probably familiar with.
00:30:52:55 - 00:31:29:42
<reading> “This is common…” <stops reading> Remember, this is a response from Kevin McKiernan, the guy who has been going around the world on lots of podcasts, telling people that there's double stranded DNA contamination in the shot and that that means that and that all these guys are bad guys and that it could explain all of the problems that we've been having, which I really believe is a red herring. So here we go. <reading> This is common JJ Kooi bio babble slash folklore. Coronaviruses circulate the globe every year. There is no reason why an engineered version could not do the same given it was derived from parts of viruses that have been doing this for millions of years. <stops reading>
00:31:29:42 - 00:34:06:16
So I have the virology textbook behind my head here because I want to emphasize that Kevin McKernan, the guy who worked for the Human Genome Project and now has a marijuana genetics company, I mean, and lives on the Atlantic Ocean in a very beautiful house whose brothers have several companies about testing for cancer. And it his father was an absolutely giant set their family up really well as a successful businessman, this guy has no business no reason to waste any of his time coming against a guy who's renting his house in Pittsburgh and streams from his garage with less than 3000 people. But here he is already 100% on the virology that the NIH and the WHO and the CDC and everybody else would love you to believe. <reading> Coronaviruses circulate the globe every year, and there's no reason why an engineered one couldn't do the same. In this case. Someone spent the effort to hyper optimize the COVID 19 ace2 binding affinity so it would spread far and wide. <stops reading> That's weird because the first year and a half we were debating about the fact that it had a Furin cleavage site which made it very infectious. Now he's saying that it was actually the ACE2 affinity that caused that. I thought the ACE2 affinity had something more to do with how many, how many people It would infect, or how easily it could infect people. But the fact that it would go throughout the body and be very systemic and that when you coughed it out, it would already be ready to bind was the furin cleavage site.
<reading>The fault in this logic is assuming the spread initiated when Chinese claimed it did in 2019, when in fact there's evidence of prior circulation. This is also important because this is the opposite of what I said. Prior circulation gives time for it to achieve an endemic state. <stops reading> We've already said that it's likely that the background endemic RNA signal is being confound it with new spread, the most efficient mechanism would be to package a virus and infect a few people in the city, exactly as Giordano's lecture tells us in exactly as I've been teaching for the last almost three years. So again, this is a January 19th, 2024 post about my ideas. And he says that <reading> the seeding clone hypothesis is chem trail retarded dropping clones everywhere, hoping for magical transfection to occur while having an endless parade of spies dropping spreading these clones around his keystone cop when packaged virus will perform all this skullduggery for you. <stops reading>
00:34:06:16 - 00:34:38:22
So he wants you to believe that viruses are something very different than clones. When virology acknowledges in an actually thousands of papers that clones are their best approximation of what they can barely find in nature. So it's a direct inversion of what I have to believe he knows is the truth about RNA virology. <reading> You expose yourself to infinite more disclosure points going to get costs of leaking the virus provides camouflage deniability. <stops reading> So here we are again being forced back into solving the mystery.
00:34:38:22 - 00:35:07:33
So this is the final insult. <reading> The Keystone Cop clone Cam trail hypothesis requires teams of covered people and frankly, is stupid if you know how to package a virus. <stops reading> Well, this is curious because that's not the argument that I'm making. So I want to clarify that. First, the argument that I'm making is that the cartoon version of the infectious cycle is incorrect, where a virus goes into your lungs, it makes copies of itself, and then you cough it out. It's much more complicated than that.
00:35:07:33 - 00:36:53:56
One of the very early clues that we had of this was when Robert Malone told us that the vast majority of viral particles are noninfectious, that they're replication incompetent. And so that's what's represented in the cartoon over here. I believe this is also the reason a lot of the objections of the NO VIRUS camp are actually very much spot on and have a great relevance to our trying to understand the infectious cycle for real. If there is one, and I'm open to the possibility that there isn't. So the first thing that I'd like you to imagine or think about is virus packaging and what that has to do with this is a cartoon, a computer model of viral packaging. The idea is, again, that little tiny red line there is the mRNA (should say genomic here), and it's supposed to be coiled the end protein and then a bunch of N proteins brings that full genome of the virus into the endosome. And the endosome has the spike protein on the inside of it. And so when you when it invaginates like that, then you get this vesicle forming on the inside of the endosome, and that's supposed to be the free virus. Now, the question becomes how in the world is this all orchestrated? How does your cell just get told, okay, take this and wrap this all around and put this in there and arrange this that way, the idea that the word hijack is sufficient to justify this cartoon as being fact is absolutely unacceptable. And that's again, part of the no virus People's objection that I think is really spot on. And in fact, there's almost everything that they say is true. It's just the things that they chose not to say for two or three years that frustrate me. But again, it could just be that I was an idiot and stuck with these people. This I want to do it.
00:36:53:56 - 00:37:22:22
Well, <chanting sound effects> sorry about that that's for my stream. So I would like to come on and I would like to just give you a brief introduction to RNA viruses to make sure that you understand where we are. This is influenza A. And Influenza A If you can see my arrow is right here and it's binding with the cell, it's going to go into the end zone and then it's going to release into this thing a negative strand RNA and some proteins which can copy it.
00:37:22:22 - 00:38:19:33
So the first thing to remember, in case you're unaware of this, is that flu and measles are negative strand RNA viruses and that they can't be read by our ribosomes. So in order for an influenza virus to be a useful particle, it also needs to have all of the accessory proteins present so that that negative strand RNA, when it's released into the cell, will be reliably copied into a positive strand RNA, which can be then translated into proteins by our ribosomes. Now that's a pretty interesting scenario, right? Because then if we go back to this this illusion here, then in a flu virus, when a flu virus is assembled, not only do you need to get a full genome in there or in the flu viruses case, actually you need to get about eight circular RNAs into the same virus, but you also need to get some of these proteins in there because if they're not in there, then this virus will be useless.
00:38:19:33 - 00:38:50:52
So contrast that to the positive stranded RNA virus of coronavirus and you will see that actually the translation of the full genome occurs immediately and you produce end proteins and you produce this primary translating polyprotein. And so these this compound protein something apparently can copy some genomic RNAs right away to genomic RNAs or sorry, genomic RNAs right away to genomic RNA.
00:38:50:52 - 00:40:34:33
As you see in this picture. Here, This is from Science Magazine. So if you think that this is kind of a bad picture, I agree. But here you have just a little cartoon that seems to indicate that this this amount of protein is capable of making copies of the single stranded genomic RNA. But it's also of making these single stranded genomic RNA sub genomic RNAs that are little tiny ones here. And they don't really explain much more about it. It's again, a lot of hand-waving, but again, you can see the task. None of these RNAs are supposed to be packaged, only the full genome should get packaged and shipped out. And yet when we've looked at the expression of these positive, stranded genomes in cell cultures, we see that the preponderance of marinades that are produced are actually all these sub genomic RNAs, like hundreds of thousands of times more than any full genomes that are made. And so this seems to kind of to support the idea of what Robert Malone said, which is the vast majority of viral particles don't end up with a full genome inside of them because the full genome is very rarely copied with very, very rarely copied successfully. And then every time it is copied successfully, there are a number of errors in it because of the way that RNA is copied. Now, it is possible in the realm of possibility that this little area here in the cartoon will be found to be quite high. Fidelity and Jay's all wrong and he's an idiot and he can go home. But I really doubt that. And more importantly, there's no real there's no real firm molecular evidence for the fidelity here at this step. They can say that it's here or it's there. But the.
00:40:34:33 - 00:41:19:22
But the Bottom line is that it's not like copying 0double stranded DNA. And so you're already at lower fidelity with that. And so what is actually happening here is most likely that these RNAs, these viruses are interacting with existing machinery that already packages things that already puts RNA or DNA into a package and already has proteins on the outside, because then it would make a lot more sense. In other words, it's kind of like a cuckoo clock. And if you hijack a cuckoo clock. You can't make it make toast. You can make it ring at the wrong time. You can make it make funny noises, but you can't make it make toast. And I don't think that a virus can go into a cell and make it do something that it already doesn't do. Cells already package exosomes and send signals to one another.
00:41:19:22 - 00:42:53:33
And so I think that this is just hijacking of that signal. But what that means is that what we are doing is we are packaging RNA and the vast majority of the RNA that we find in there is either low fidelity copy or even a partial copy. And that's the problem with what they find when they look in these papers, what they find when they look in the wild and so this is the analogy I have come up with. They are more like mix tapes. And so you cannot grow them in the wild mix. Tape is from the old days where you bought this in the store. It would sound really good, but if you copied it for your friend, it would already have this hiss and it wouldn't sound very well, so you could make a mix tape for your girlfriend and put all the songs that reminded you of her on one tape and it would sound okay. But if you wanted to make a copy of that mix tape, it would sound really awful. And this, lacking a loss of fidelity upon each copy, there is a there is a equivalent to that in the copying of RNA that is orders of magnitude more important than the copy then in the copying of DNA. And that's why an analogy for RNA versus DNA, a useful one might be an audio tape versus a CD. If you make a mixed CD and then you made a copy of that CD, it would be a pretty decent copy to listen to. But it's not the same with audiotape. And so I'm making the argument that like audiotape and RNA signal found in the anus of a bat or found in the lung of a sick child is not a cultural signal that can be made infinite quantities of.
00:42:53:33 - 00:43:40:49
You can't just grab it and go and then, you know, put some more in the culture and pull some more out. And that that's always been a problem for them in the way that they overcome. It is a technique that is who's the credit for inventing. It has been given to Ralph Baric by the by the narrative, by the TV. But in reality these are just standard bench techniques for putting two pieces of DNA together. And in this case, the DNA that they're putting together that they're like getting together is actually DNA that is the copy of a genome that they say they found in the wild. So they make this DNA copy. And I put a little CD here to indicate that this is a high-fidelity copy. And because a coronavirus genome is so long, they need to divide it in a few plasmids.
00:43:40:49 - 00:44:26:33
And so that's where the ligation comes in. You have five pieces that you can grow, that you can grow in a bacterial culture and then those five pieces need to be litigated together into one genome. And that litigation step requires a sort of puzzle piece to be cut in both ends of those of those plasmids. And then that puzzle piece cut is actually done by a specific enzyme. And so very clever choices of codons, you can actually make an assembly kit for coronavirus genomes that you can kind of insert pieces into. And this methodology has been blamed for, again, that that sewing icon that I put on the worst-case scenario, it is the stitching of things together and using this technique.
00:44:26:33 - 00:45:29:27
To do it that then leads to a huge quantity of DNA. And this is the part where Kevin McKiernan seems to want to try and obfuscate the idea of clones. The problem is with clones is that when you make this DNA in a bacterial culture, you can make as much as you want. And so when you convert it to RNA, there's only one step from converting it to DNA and RNA. So there's a limited amount of errors that will be made. And since you're moving from a pure template of DNA to a limited amount of errors of RNA, you will produce a purity of this full genome that doesn't exist when you sample these from nature, because when you sample them from nature and the Miranda makes a bunch of sub genomic RNAs that overwhelm the RNA signal and the full genome is almost undetectable and this gets overcome if you do it this way because you have a DNA copy of the full genome that you convert to RNA. So there's no sub genomic RNA produced.
00:45:29:27 - 00:46:44:20
You're not even using an RNA dependent RNA polymerase, you're using an RNA polymerase that has been commercially optimized. And what this allows you to do is produce cell cultures that are replicable and everybody can use your DNA. You can just make more RNA, you can just make more of it from the DNA that you made. You can make more DNA if you want. You can also make replicable cell animal models of these infections and you can also share it with people. The worst part about this is just like the mRNA shot you can you can produce industrial quantities of this. It doesn't have to be small batch brewing. You can do a giant batch of this cDNA and then convert it all to RNA and you will have a large quantity of infectious RNA that could have never, ever, ever, ever been generated in any other way because of the nature of RNA copying and fidelity. And so they have indeed used this for all RNA papers for ever. This is what they do now. They find a signal, they make a clone. And now if you want to use my clone, I can send it to you. This is an example of a paper that was done in 2019, right before the pandemic, where they use human Corona virus 229E and they make a clone of it.
00:46:44:20 - 00:48:02:49
They take this clone and they put it into a cell culture and they look for these sub genomic RNAs to be transcribed and they're trying to look for the relative ratio that they're produced in. And so I'm going to skip this slide when they when the find the this is kind of a hard graph to read, but what you're looking for are these signals here and what level they are relative to the x axis. Sorry, the Y axis. Hello and so as you go up in, in in the y axis, you go up in abundance. And the coverage here. So what you're covering is the full genome which is listed at the bottom. So this or f1a and or f1b are where all these magic proteins are, which are able to copy the viral genome, but also make the sub genomic RNAs that are necessary for viral replication in assembly, according to virologists. The interesting thing is, is when copying begins using this clone the vast majority of subgenomic RNAs that are present are the M protein, the M protein, E protein, a protein called number four and the S protein. And in fact, when you look for full length RNAs, they only found two.
00:48:02:49 - 00:48:26:42
So while there were somewhere between five and 8000 copies of the N protein in some of these transcripts, a lot of these are high numbers and they're different lengths and different variations of that fragment. There were only two fragments that could qualify as anywhere near full length. Now, we could have missed some, except the problem is, is that we've seen this same signal even in the old days when we were doing it in old ways.
00:48:26:42 - 00:49:18:39
When we were still really just being able to look at m or RNA and looking at whole fractions in gel pull downs, they still saw the full genome is almost invisible. It's almost impossible to find. And so this is a very consistent signal. It's probably not the limitations of nanopore sequencing in that latest paper because this signals the same way when a coronavirus RNA replicates, it very rarely makes a full copy of itself. So how in the world are these things spreading from person to person? It definitely the way that the cartoon describes it. That's the reason why this story doesn't make sense and it's really hard to culture. Well, if the virus was making perfect copies of itself, it would be easy to culture. But it's not. It's making very poor copies of itself. Many of the copies are non-replication competent. That makes it difficult to culture coronaviruses from the wild.
00:49:18:39 - 00:49:42:55
The solution that they've come up with is to take that RNA sequence that they find in the wild, turn it into cDNA constructs that can be grown in high quantities in a bacterial culture. They can then use any number of ways to convert that DNA to RNA. You don't have to get into that now. And in fact, because we're going to talk with somebody like Kevin McKernan, it would be really silly for me to try and wax intellectual about all the details of that.
00:49:42:55 - 00:50:27:41
But the point is, is that when they do this, they're able to create a purity level of a single copy, many, many copies of a pure RNA that can't exist in nature because of the nature of replicating RNA. Now the trick is, is that up until now, no one has really tried to measure the infectious ratio of a coronavirus swarm in an animal or in nature or anywhere else. But my guess is it's a lot different than 1 to 1 or 10 to 1 or even 50 to 1. The point is, is that if you make an RNA copy sorry, a DNA master copy, you can make lots of copies of the same RNA and you will have averted this problem that makes it so difficult to culture coronaviruses from the wild.
00:50:27:41 - 00:51:41:16
So what are you are you suggesting that they're making So, you know, if you put that infectious clone into a mammalian, so you're going to get a very similar output to what Sarge does. Right. The replicated machinery is going to make this really odd array of different expression from the gene, the gene and because it has to write if you want to actually stoichiometric, we put one genomic piece of DNA or RNA into a capsid. You have to make like 100 to 1000 spikes, 100 to 1000 and proteins envelope proteins. So so they're going to express a lot more of that junk at the end of the molecule just to make that assemble correctly. Are you suggesting that that to do an infectious clone release, you'd have to like take the clones, grow them in a colony like they're doing for the vaccines and then purify them and then make a lot of t seven RNA off of it and then infect people with the RNA somehow, because in that case, it would be it would be linear, it all be one molecule, it wouldn't be all diced up and having this this different type of expression profile that we see in nature. (JAY in video) Right. So that's kind of my point is that if you did that, you would have a, an infectious clone would be and not a accurate representation of what SA does when it's on its own.
00:51:41:16 - 00:51:43:58
Jay Couey
So the question becomes, ladies and gentlemen, what in the world is this all about? Why in the world all of a sudden in January of 2024, do I, after being blocked for a year and just kind of ignoring him, do I still get this kind of vitriol when we discussed it live over that was in March of 12 of last year when we discussed it live. He didn't this went on. There was 15 more minutes of that discussion where we discussed all of these principles and he didn't think it was crazy. And yet yes, sir.
00:52:15:39 - 00:52:22:33
Was that we have had on here. And as the guest for that I can't remember what he looks like. Was that him?
00:52:22:55 - 00:52:30:59
Jay Couey
That was him then. Absolutely. And so here he is calling me Keystone Cop Clone Cam Trail hypothesis when we've discussed it many times. And he didn't call it this. And so we.
00:52:35:43 - 00:52:39:17
Seemed a little bit exercised there, I think, when he was challenging you.
00:52:39:22 - 00:52:42:03
Jay Couey
And that's okay. I don't have any problem with that.
00:52:42:12 - 00:52:46:39
no no I you know, I yes, okay. I was just comment first.
00:52:46:39 - 00:52:47:40
Jay Couey
Thing that he says is that in this comment is that, quote, “As coronavirus has circled the globe every year, he also says that they hyper optimized the receptor binding domain and that equals fast spread. Now, that wasn't the way it was. It was actually let me turn this off. It was actually the furin cleavage site that was blamed for that for quite some time. Then we have this, Then we have it could not spread as fast as what he said. And so it has to be already endemic. But but I was I've been explaining that to him that this is a background and that if there is a background that's being confounded by the PCR, then we would we were just being misled. He is purposefully ignoring that for more than two years.
00:53:33:16 - 00:53:34:55
And what So can.
00:53:35:00 - 00:55:04:06
Jay Couey
I just let me go forward. Let me go forward ask it at the end. Seeding clone hypothesis is chem trail retarded is not a scientific discussion here. This in a this is a multimillionaire wasting his time on his own substack trying to trash somebody who has 3000 followers and was just laid off from Ph.D. like what? Why does he even need to waste his time doing this unless there is a reason? And the reason is, is because this idea is the right answer. You infect a few people with a clone so that you get the same sequence in any place that you look for it. And if it lasts for a little while or a few days, it doesn't matter. I don't know how long it will last. I don't know how much quantity they would use. I don't care. The point is, is that this biology is real. The papers are hundreds. And to argue about whether or not RNA replicated this at this fidelity or that fidelity doesn't change the fact that that these clones are used to make coronavirus biology replicable in each and each experiment. It If you don't do that, then the moment you do an experiment with the coronavirus, you can't replicate it because it's gone. And so this Keystone cop camera trail hypothesis insult actually an admission that this is actually real. There's no other way that this guy with a cannabis company is going to be touring the world talking about these shots.
00:55:04:06 - 00:55:27:09
And so leaking the virus is better. He's actually arguing that real viruses have attributes that clones don't. And the most important thing to understand is that in all of his time and all of his podcasts and all of the microphones he's ever had, he's never pointed out that on top of all this, they were really exaggerating the danger of whatever it was.
00:55:27:09 - 00:56:04:55
And that the protocols in America probably caused mass casualty events were misconstrued as spread. And so in the defense of there are viruses, the defense of the relative replication competence of viruses is irrelevant if you don't actually acknowledge that there's this giant body of misleading media coverage that went for years and these people ignore all of it and make us focus on clones and talk about whether or not I'm right or a little off on the replication competence of a particular gene in the coronavirus genome.
00:56:04:55 - 00:56:54:52
It's absolutely absurd. And you can see it here because in that same video from March of last year, Jessica Rose says that it's the best idea she's ever heard and it explains almost everything. Here is the substack that she wrote after that article. It says, by the way, a massive thank you to Jonathan Couey, Mathew Crawford, John Beaudoin, and Marc Girardo for the Thursday night chats. You know who Marc Girardo is? He's the guy who claims it's a bolas effect. And if you just hit a vein, that that's where autism comes from. You know who Matthew Crawford is? You know who John Beaudoin is, you know who Jessica Rose is. This is a description of the Steve Kirsch steering committee that used to meet every Thursday night where I would explain this stuff to these people that now ignore it. The only person who covers this idea is Mathew Crawford.
00:56:54:52 - 00:57:57:45
Marc Girardo insists that it's still just the injection and missing the vein. Jon Baldwin is talking about what he needs to talk about. And he's every time he says that the protocols were murdered, somebody cuts him off. We need to wake up to the idea that we have been lied to and that there are people who are actively lying to us. They're obfuscating the truth about this. And they even go so far as to say that the viral swarm isn't real, even though they have to admit that RNA cannot be copied perfectly. If it can't be copied perfectly, the swarm is real, done. And so they have. There's an orchestrated campaign to make this DEFUSE proposal real so that this fear and cleavage site becomes real again and so that this cover up becomes real again. So you think that we think that our families think that we need to teach our kids that this was a solved mystery and that Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance are guilty of this. We need to return our RNA aid to real again. We need to return the biology of RNA and clones real again.
00:57:57:45 - 00:58:54:41
Jay Couey
That's what we need to do. And now I'm going to use this analogy and I'm going to wrap up. But look very carefully at this guy, this Italian guy pretending to stop this subway. And so he gets on and he pulls it to a stop, and then he's going to go over here and he's going to chalk up his hands. And he's going to pretend that he's doing this. Now, what I want you to understand is that the more people and please do this thought experiment if you haven't already, the more people that he recruited to do this act, the more convincing it would be. Especially if you were a young person or you didn't know anything about electric trains. And the bigger that people were, the more animated they were, the more lights and sparks that they had in there in their uniform or more tools that they used and more noises that you heard as the train stopped or the train went away, the more convincing it would become that these people were stopping and starting the train.
00:58:54:41 - 00:59:22:30
Jay Couey
And I want you to [think] about the pandemic as something like this, that if enough people were to act like there's a pandemic, to agree to fight, to fight about what the pandemic is, that you would be bamboozled by, you would think, wow, look at all these. This must be. And if you were one who really wanted to participate, you might even be invited to here, here's the tug of war. Pull on the rope. You can help us by pulling on the rope. And so you get your position on the right edge.
00:59:22:30 - 00:59:24:23
Jim's raised his hand with the question.
00:59:24:32 - 00:59:26:13
Jay Couey
It's okay. Good. I'll stop right here. Go ahead, Jim.
00:59:26:25 - 00:59:36:06
Well, I tell you, JJ, it was very interesting what you were just saying. Then you were interrupted on each sentence. What was that?
00:59:36:10 - 00:59:38:48
Jay Couey
well, I don't know. It just that that that.
00:59:38:52 - 00:59:59:24
Jay Couey
That all of these people. Now, if you think about how this little this little cartoon goes, the more people that you have standing along the train, the more convincing this this illusion is. And so that people are doing something that matters. And in the in the start of the pandemic. Do you want to ask your question now, Jim? Go ahead.
00:59:59:24 - 01:00:19:27
Actually, I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wanted you to address the if you could, the different types of spike proteins that are being alleged by a guy named Jason McClellan who supposedly invented the vaccine.
01:00:19:31 - 01:00:21:27
Jay Couey
You know, I can comment on that a little bit.
01:00:21:27 - 01:00:22:35
Are you aware of that, too?
01:00:22:39 - 01:00:24:28
Jay Couey
I'm not aware of that guy, But and I.
01:00:24:30 - 01:00:30:04
Don't want to interrupt you. I didn't want to I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to get in line early because you're going have a lot of questions is great talk.
01:00:30:09 - 01:01:30:30
Jay Couey
Okay, great. So the point would be then to get back to this is that the more people you had standing on the train that agreed to talk about one thing and that not question the pandemic, but just talk about one aspect of it, like a novel treatment. Or whether we can build immunity or not, or whether T cells are involved or it's all B cells or is it a natural killer cells? Did the lockdowns work or not? I mean, are we seeing evidence of masking working in Asia or not? These debates were all real and they were all televised and they were all designed to make sure. That you didn't question the primary thing that was happening, which is that these mass casualty events equal spread, that these PCR tests equal spread. And so of this stuff was scripted. It was, it was gamed, it was tabletop exercised for many years. They knew that they were getting closer and closer to getting it right. And so I would argue that there are a couple of things that we can know for sure.
01:01:30:30 - 01:02:31:31
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are underutilized, pretty useful drugs. Chances are very good that in a place like America using processed food and eating as bad and exercising as little as they do that something like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when applied to somebody with some immune problems some sickness that it might have some general effect even if it's not directly related to whatever they were experiencing. The point being that these are underutilized pharmaceuticals that have no real danger if they're used properly and even their overdosing is probably not that dangerous. So you have this issue here that if you accept this again, this is the mystery. A novel virus needs novel cures. What did they choose? They choose novel cures that you could argue about without any problem. And then they also conveniently did really badly design studies that people could argue about people like Brett could argue about people like Pierre Kory could write a whole book about it.
01:02:31:31 - 01:03:08:09
I would argue that the double stranded DNA is another opportunity to make fake helpers join in the vigorous discussion that will never question the necessity of the transfection in the first place, nor will they question the general application of Transfection is a vaccination methodology because they will say like Buckholtz did, that if this DNA is in the shot, I would still give it to my parents, but I wouldn't give it to my daughter. He actually said that in front of the South Carolina Senate, this guy who claims that he was whistleblowing on the DNA contamination and confirmed that Kevin McKiernan's measurements were right.
01:03:08:09 - 01:04:09:50
This is a guy who was also very involved in the testing for coronavirus for the first two years. It's not for nothing that he was chosen to be the guy who, again, stepped in front of it, stepped to the side of the train and pretend to help stop it. They praised the methodology and they blame the rush. And so the last thing that is, is this DEFUSE proposal and its contents and whether or not it's real and whether or not the contents mean that they were already done. Whether these released emails indicate that their experiments were obviously already done. And just like other aspects of the narrative, if you accept this relevance or even argue about it, you are not arguing about whether RNA can go around the planet and change colors. And they have done this with lots of things, including meetings all around the world where people are invited and considered celebrities and get to go on stage and present their results and then somehow or another, their results or their objections never quite come out of the meeting like they should.
01:04:09:50 - 01:05:14:52
And so in this scenario, I just want you to imagine where Jessica Rose is a good guy and Byram Bridle is a good guy and Denis Rancourt is a good guy and Nick Hudson is a good guy, and Ryan Cole's a good guy. And there are all these people on the stage are pulling on this tug of war. But actually when it comes right down to it, maybe some of these people in yellow aren't actually pulling. Maybe they're not actually going to leave this meeting and tell everybody everything they heard. They're just going to tell everybody some things that they heard. And that's how they did this throughout the entire pandemic. By calling me, by putting me in signal chats and having me give them tutorials on my immunology ideas and then not putting them on their podcast, not telling anybody who they were, learning this from correcting themselves, but not giving credit. They did this to everyone. They're doing it to Denis Rancourt right now. They're doing it to Nick Hudson right now. Nick Hudson was at this discussion talk conference in Romania, in Budapest, and nobody ever said that his talk was great.
01:05:14:52 - 01:06:07:58
And I'm sure it was. And nobody's ever said that Denis Rancourt was there and that he showed there was no evidence of spread. They just show that he shows that 17 million people were killed by the shot because that's okay to talk about. But there are the fact that mass casualty events don't have spread away from them is not okay. So they don't talk about it. But Denis Rancourt presented that data and that's how this is done. Ladies and gentlemen, they're controlling a narrative about this potential. And any other parts of this narrative are just discarded and they keep bringing you back to this faith and keep making it about this phase without making it about there being no evidence of spread, not making it about the projected Medicare costs that were saved in America and around the world, especially in America, and not making it about strict liability in America, in Our law.
01:06:07:58 - 01:06:58:17
Where the way that we speak about what happens with regular pharmaceuticals, with strict liability, you're responsible for the damage that's done with your product. And we have we don't apply that to vaccines. We could just change that. But nobody talks about it. We have this separate system called C, I, C, P and V ICP, which are two kangaroo courts where all of the claims against vaccine manufacturers are brought and the US government pays all of those damages. They even pay for lawyers that bring losing cases. And in our Constitution, it says in the Seventh Amendment that we have the right to sue for damages over $20. So that seems to kind of contradict because we're not allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers. We have to use a kangaroo court it seems that that's a pretty a pretty obvious violation of our Seventh Amendment right.
01:06:58:17 - 01:08:10:55
Got to mute yourself? Yeah, it seems like that's a violation of the Seventh Amendment. But. But nobody ever talks about that. None of the lawyers that have been in front of this in this group have ever said to you that one of the ways that we could win is that we could take a single vaccine injury to a court in a state, and have the state court say, no, we can't see your your claim because of the PREP act. And then you could take that as an appeal to the federal court and have the federal court strike the PREP Act as unconstitutional. We could be done in months, but nobody's doing that. And that should tell you all you need to know with all of this biology that I have to teach, I got laid off and not from from a university this time. And so I think the most important thing to understand is this team worst case scenario is real. Some of them were co-opted, some of them were forced, some of them were coerced. Some of them did it gladly. Some of them were in place before the pandemic and found themselves between a rock and a hard place as part of this control mechanism in the media. And then while do I really have to go along with this? Yes, you do.
01:08:10:55 - 01:08:41:16
And we are victims of this. Our children are victims of this because they are being misled to believe that something real happened that could happen again and that thank goodness transfection pretty well for grandma. And it all started with this illusion here, Spike protein and. Antibodies and the antibodies from infection being very much weak compared the vaccine antibodies. This is a picture that's taken from Francis Collins’ his own blog, in July of 2020.
01:08:41:16 - 01:09:20:31
This is the illusion in a nutshell is the who lie in a nutshell. The variants go on into the future and your infection antibodies are useless, and depending on who you got in the car with, you would have heard all this. You would have heard arguments about all this if you were lucky enough to get in the car with Thomas Binder. Well, good. But then you would have had to survive for years with people telling you that Thomas Binder was crazy. And that's the New World Order that they want to teach our kids. That's the New world order. They want us to teach our kids and our teachers are doing it. Our college professors are doing. The college administrators are doing it soon.
01:09:20:31 - 01:09:47:13
This lie like in the book 1984, is going to be forgotten to become truth. And so it's up to us to teach our kids way out of this. It's up to us to teach our kids that they have been fooled by this, that these changes are real. That they are being transitioned to submit to a digital ID, a digital currency, the digital IDs, not a big deal because if you have a phone, you already have it. You're being tracked and monitored in ways that a Digital ID won't even do.
01:09:47:13 - 01:11:21:39
It's the currency you need to be afraid of, of course, But I'm not an expert in this stuff. I just know that they're probably right. People like Michael Yeadon are probably right. This is the this is the next stage. And they want you to believe that one of the excuses for this, one of the excuses for this level of control is the ongoing threat of gain of function viruses. This is most important to understand. We cannot let our children get on this train where we believe that we've defeated all diseases in the past by vaccination, that we believe that novel coronaviruses can…[they] want them to believe that asymptomatic spread is what they need to think about. And they're already telling people in America that RSV is asymptomatic and that they need to be concerned about all of these respiratory viruses as being asymptomatic. This is a train that our kids are currently on and we have very little time to get them off of it before they have their own kids and teach them that this is the reality. And so we need to get them off this train. We need to get them out of this new world order that this isn't erased. The way to think about this, in case you're not there, is that they have told us that we have an ongoing coronavirus pandemic that started in 20 and has been going on for five years, five years of sustained RNA transmission that started in a point in a puddle out of animal cage and has gone around the world since it leaked. That's ridiculous. But it is a faith that no one questions and it is a faith that your children can be trapped in if you don't start pointing it out to them that we are in the fifth year of this lie.
01:11:21:39 - 01:12:20:54
I never thought we'd get this far and you can see it as a background. They don't know what was in the background before. It could be just noise, like on a radio that they've turned really loud and then told you there's organization inside of it. And this RNA signal being confounded as spread could have been seeded, they could have seeded the sequence using RNA or RNA clones or the DNA construct and put it in sewers and the PCR would have been positive. Some people would have probably complained because the spike protein and protein are immunogenic would have annoyed their immune system. So a transfection by a clone would have done everything and more to create and seed the illusion of the pandemic without endangering anybody except for the people who bought it. So the way to see these people that are meddling with us is they don't ever talk about the childhood vaccine schedule as being as being criminal. I heard Pierre Kory on Jimmy Dore last night saying it was criminal and I loved it.
01:12:20:54 - 01:12:49:17
So good for Pierre Kory. Advocate for strict liability of all pharmaceutical products. That's the way you speak to lawyers. You just say, no, I'm not. I don't want to talk about all this other stuff. Why don't we advocate for strict liability? Why don't we use the Seventh Amendment to strike this PREP act? We need to start saying that regularly investigate the use of deadly protocols to create mass casualty events that were misconstrued as spread and investigate whether not transfection could have been used to compound that problem or to create the molecular illusion of it.
01:12:49:17 - 01:13:52:53
Declare or take your sovereignty back from your from Them and and the sovereignty of your children and withdraw from the WHO and the UN entirely. And if you want to see the Meddlers, they're not talking about this stuff. They rarely cite the deadly protocols. That's number three. They rarely use the word transfection, although Bret Weinstein occasionally does. They never use the word clone to explain anything. And in fact, if they use the word clone, they use it to ridicule me. And finally they attack people instead of ideas. And they're unable to summarize across the entire show. And that's really evident with somebody like with somebody like Kevin McKernan, who has defended Transfection in the past by saying, I hope we don't throw the bat the baby out with the bathwater because of this contamination. And there's also very not spoken up about any of the protocols ever, which of course were used to justify the roll out of this product. And if you really wanted to bring everybody to attention and to understand how badly we're bamboozled, you would tell the whole story, at least in a nutshell, and not just say it's double stranded DNA and then my hair's on fire.
01:13:52:53 - 01:14:31:57
And the reason why they're doing. This is because the rich people in private meetings have been saying for a long time, we've got to start collecting this data from these people before they're gone. And since we're going to get rid of them, we should start collecting that data. They want your kids and they want your kids’ kids. So this is a multi-generational thing. You don't have to think about this going to be over in a couple of years. This is not going to stop because they've convinced themselves that if they collect enough data and the air evolves, that we're eventually going to solve all this and we're going to become the transhuman futurists everybody wants us to be. So please stop transfection and human because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary. That's the end. I'm open for questions. Thank you.
01:14:31:57 - 01:14:34:50
Well done, JJ, Great.
Thank you, JJ, for your excellent and principled work!
Abso-frigging-lutely one of the best streams addressing immunomythology and acadamagician view of biology hats off, kudos and thanks to Jay Couey. For folks who are newer to the topic or slow learners like me there's a whole archive of fundamentals and overviews to help.
Having watched nearly every stream live it's hard to pick favorites with new details or depth with each but analysis of "expert" presentations is super to see where biology claims of understanding diverge from models & theories & petrie dish simulations ignore realities of Mother Nature's rules.
Another big time favorite from 2020 more so onward everything w Mike Yeadon <3 is fabulous!
Mike Yeadon's censored UK speech gems of wisdom for the ages.
Part of the Nobel Prize winning LNP science prize preview tour where Cullis explains that mRNA was hoped to be a cancer target therapy replacement for chemotherapy that reaches the target cells to be killed about 0.01% leaving a ratio for poisoned healthy cells at 99.9% of chemo effect and goes so far as to mutter how criminal a treatment is that has over 99% error rate in application BUT mRNA did no better & travel randomly all over the body.. oops.
**Cancer quote @ 54:30
More examples of the Cullis clowns driving biotech science
Can't choose a bad one and titles pretty good clues to individual focus.. newest & live are Twitch