Who is Jay?

I am a husband and a father, and I have been a biologist my whole life. I’ve spent my life dreaming of being a doctor, veterinarian, marine mammal specialist, and countless other manifestations of Biologist. I believe I have earned the title of Biology Professor, and I am moving forward wearing that badge.

Acadamagician Credentials

I was Enchanted by the System same as everyone else, so much so I dedicated my life to it. I struggled to see how much of the Story was a lie for years. I have spend the last four years learning immunology, cell biology, virology, and anything else that seemed relevant to try to understand what has happened to all of us. I in fact gave my boys their “required” shots in 2022 one week before deciding to finally watch the movie VAXXED.

I’ve almost lost it a few times since then. I am still pulling my own head out.

An archive with a full transcript

My supporters have been asking for a place to read my thoughts. This is a first step toward getting some of my better ideas into text form. As this project develops, we will use this full archive to generate smaller bite sized messages for social media circulation and coordinated messaging campaigns.

Join the Independent Bright Web?

I really need your support. First and foremost, my work needs more circulation. Secondly, this is my family’s whole world now. The forces we are up against have decided that I am not good for what’s coming, and we’ve been all but forced to put up or shut up. So every dollar goes to rent, food, and production of content, i.e not shutting up. Think family of five…and I teach what they don’t want to be taught…for free on the internet.

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Cutting Edge Biology for Everyone


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