You and your message are a gift to humanity.....shout out and thanks to your wonderful kids and wife for supporting your journey.... 😘❤

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All who are presumed to be “experts” are not.

“Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous

to be understood.

How grass can be nourishing in the

mouths of the lambs.

How rivers and stones are forever

in allegiance with gravity

while we ourselves dream of rising.

How two hands touch and the bonds will

never be broken.

How people come, from delight or the

scars of damage,

to the comfort of a poem.

Let me keep my distance, always, from those

who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say

‘Look!’ and laugh in astonishment,

and bow their heads.”—Mary Oliver

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You have no idea how much i look forward to your show JJ. Even if you cant do them every day, which I absolutely understand, I appreciate all the effort and emotion you put into all your work. Your children are very lucky to have a hero for a dad❤️🙏

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Sam Harris could easily be replaced with AI.

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So, the JJ videos I am sharing on different substacks are not as well received as I would have liked..... I woke up this morning and this was the response from Meryl Nass along with mine back......

StellaMaris 14 hrs ago

YES!!!! Listen to Denis Rancourt and JJ Couey....this is how it ends. ladies and gentlemen......but only if you want and can handle the truth..... twitch.tv/videos/2050569254


author Meryl Nass 3 hrs ago

Two very smart guys, nice guys, neither of whom has any training in infectious diseases, both of whom are excellent theoretitians but ignore the data that don't fit.


StellaMaris 2 mins ago

Which data is that.....I am respectfully asking..... from listening to both it appears they do have data...... especially Rancourt.....he spoke at a summit recently with a lot of the freedom fighters, right? Why was his data and presentation not debunked or at least questioned there?

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Sorry, I should have shared the substack where I commented, too..... https://merylnass.substack.com/p/very-important-short-video-of-rfk

ALSO, I posted this on another of her substack about the WHO Treaty and she got snarky but didn't follow up with my comment....

StellaMaris Jan 31

I heard from more than one person, most recently JJ Couey, that we can end this WHO stuff quite quickly by 1. strike the Prep Act by using the 7th amendment violation and/or also remove the 1986 Vaccine Act ...why haven't these two things been considered...or have they..... here he is at 1:55mins talking about this very thing.... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2035921756


Meryl Nass Jan 31 Author

That will only stop a small fraction of what is contained in the WHO documents. I agree with getting rid of both 1986 Act and PREP Act but only a start



Jan 31

Well, then why aren't we doing this first? Wouldn't this buy us much needed time? We should be doing all of this.... small fraction is better than nothing.....


author Meryl Nass Jan 31

Do it!



Jan 31

I would if I had the means, ability, and team behind me.....I was hoping that you and your team or other people in a position to do so to lead the charge.... is there no one in the Freedom Movement that is not motivated or knowledgeable about this? Oh, and also, I am not American....

She tells ME To "DO IT"....can you believe her snark....as you can see, the two times she got uppity was when I mentioned JJ in my comments to her......

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Also, our good Dr. Nass expects us to take her word for it? JJ damned sure doesn’t expect that of his listeners…. He literally teaches us by providing a base of biological knowledge so we can figure it out ourselves. So maybe Dr Nass could take the time to teach as well?

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She is on Team Malone....we need to leave her and Robert "MA-LONE".... 😸

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deletedFeb 9
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I appreciate that Ty…. As with so many, I’m keeping her at arms length.

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I don't trust anyone who trusts/helps Malone!

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I posted it because I am always hopeful that some will see it, be intrigued enough to listen to JJ.... trust me, I am not disillusioned that she would change her opinion..... what I do know is that there are people on these stacks that need the truth sprinkled in there and that is what I am doing......

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Outstanding StellaMaris!

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Thank you so much, Steve! 🙏

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StellaMaris, you are a warrior!!

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Thank you, Steve...this is the only way right now that I can support, JJ..... here is her snark comment back...my response was calm because I am not wanting her readership to see me as combative with her because I want them to visit JJ's site.... AND I WILL continue to post JJ's and Rancourt's stuff there.... ;)

Meryl Nass 3 mins ago Author

Had you read my prior comments you would see that I publicly challenged Denis pointing out three confounding items that could have reduced all cause mortality in 2020. I furthermore pointed out that national level data could not necessarily be trusted since the Covid data were not trustworthy.

Dennis replied that he would be shocked if the national all cause mortality data had been fudged


StellaMaris just now

Yes...I did read your comments....thank you for responding...I appreciate this....

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Going to check out the video and comments. Thank you.

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All of those "experta" at the summits are just talking the content of the script. Too smart to see the truth.

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I agree...I just wanted to remind her that I know about the summit and that she was there, too..... and I wanted others to know, too......

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Did you get an answer from the anthrax expert?

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Nope, just the back and forth I posted here ....I posted it in response to Steve.....and Roguski has completely ignored my questions about the WHO treaty, as well.....

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Fantastic presentation of your perspective JJ! It has been exciting to watch you getting more and more precise and articulate in sharing your important insights. The parallels between the mythology of 'the power of AI' and the human genome sampling wet dream were brilliantly made.

Back in the 80s my fellow grad students were lured into the DNA-sequencing-will-solve-it-all story. Not only did that ignore the complexity of epigenetics, but it also linearised the many modes of human knowing as if knowledge was just one-dimensional 'information'. Seems like the modern transhumanists are just the latest silicon-transfixed iteration of the age old desire by some (perhaps abused) individuals to 'escape from the body' into a 'perfect'/'pure' state in which their own, and others' impulses can be controlled?

Wishing you and your wife success in launching your teaching work into more platforms.

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Started studying AI way back in early 90s when back propagation algos started coming in vogue in CS and decision tree based expert systems were still the go to.

Here we are 30+ years later and most of the people writing about AI, incl. some of the researchers of NN-model based implementations (like LLMs) still have no clue about true intelligence and think that mere multi-layer NN-reinforcement-testing is actual learning or that pattern recognition-matching-re-creation is actual reasoning. So sad.

Memo to AI hype novices who want to get up to speed:

- current touted "AI" implementations do not even have a modicum of intelligence of a cat (cat's are smart, so no offence to cats)

- "AIs" don't have a concept of a truth, or even concept of a concept. They can't "think" in the sense primates can.

- Almost all current commercially available LLMS (that most think is equal to "AI") can't do basic symbolic computation like 1+1=. They just pattern match based on what is fed to them. They don't understand concept of "one" or "numeration" or symbolic operation "addition".

- Even if we would be able to somehow magically combine NN-LLM type approaches with symbolic-probabilistic reasoning models and solve their inherent conflicts with each other, we still just have a dumb box that can be really fast at what it is trained to do, nothing else. Still not intelligence, just faster and with less "hallucinations" (hate that word as it anthropomorphises "AI")

- A simple comparision of AI vs human intelligence would be a comparison of rigid crystallized expertise ("doing same routines over and over again, until they are sub-concsious automatic pattern routines") or fluid and dynamic triple-loopback learning expertise what JJ portrays beautifully in the public in the past 4 years (change actions based on feedback of results, change practices and corrective norms around those actions and finally overall conceptual frameworks/assumptions behind those practices norms. BTW, thee's a fourth feedback layer too, can you figure it out?). Current and near future AI implementations can do first, none can even approximate the second.

- The "AIs will take over the world" is just silly. Same goes for "AI will become sentient due to sufficient complexity". This completely misunderstands the notion of what consciousness, self-consciousness, meta-consciousness or even basic "thick" level of awareness entails. People who talk/write crap like these haven't even done 101 on consciousness studies and their models of consciousness are extreme simpleton models that can easily be refuted (on that, I'd recommend Bernardo Kastrup as a good overview onto the subject).

- When an actor like "AI software" appears to "behave as if it" was intelligent/sentient/aware/conscious, doesn't mean it is. In 99.9999999% of the cases it is merely the viewer subconsciously projects such attributes onto the actor, so it is mere projection. You, the viewer are giving "AI" it's superhuman prowess/attributes by projecting them onto it in your unconscious assumptions of how it works and what is it capable of.

So, in summary. No, AI is not coming to take away your job, unless you are doing digitized information copy/paste pattern matching job that doesn't require any intelligence and in which input/output variance is very tightly controlled and predictable.

The AI fears are just that : manufactured, purposeful fears about your job, future prospects and how the "can't make mistakes AI overlord" will fix the errors of human reasoning and rule over as benevolently overlord with no biases and always finding the best solution.

They are just cheap scare stories. Don't fall for them.

And remember, every time somebody's selling you a narrative (like I'm doing here) like "X is going to do Y and that is going to mean Z for you", then ask yourself "If this was even approximately true, who would benefit? Cui bono?". That there dismantles 99% of these silly stories very rapidly.

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Exactly! A.I. is not artificial and it's not intelligence. Great marketing label to scare the crap out of people.

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This is another great example - thank you. TEAM WORST CASE SCENARIO. That's it. They have so many stories out there. CLIMATE, GREAT RESET, AI, CHINA, WW3, NUKES, ALIENS. Damn.

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Wow! Amazing work. Found you through Denis Rancourt. Thank you!

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