Thanks Jj. God bless truth tellers.

We live in very interesting times.

I need a media fast , getting crabby, (where’s my gratitude and joy? Blessed with a loving husband and a bird feeder in the backyard , God is good)

Catch up with your excellent work soon, I really appreciate your work.

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So have the call, and let's hear what everyone has to say.

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Agreed. There hasn't been enough rope let out in public here for anyone to get hanged yet from what I can see.

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I've warned you about Mark in the past.

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Divide and conquer will not work JWM…

Mark has the goods on his website and videos so everyone should pay a visit and see the database info and videos Mark has found over the years…

Link here is here below and when you reach the webpage right under Housatonic.Live Top heading is the alphabet database free to use thats how generous Mark is so please support Mark and Dr. Jay…


Dr. Jay videos can be found here as well…


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Seems like that is what Mark is doing. He pulled the same nonsense with Sasha Latypova as well.

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Insult Mark and never mention any of the multitude of real information Mark has on Housatonic.Live all you have is to scare people and thats exactly what they did the Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve and oh its a GOF run for lives people…

Lol thats all you got…


LMAOA at you fool…

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Sounds like you're emotionally defending Mark, which is fine, but truth is truth even if it's covered in poop and flying off a fan in a vat of puke. Don't let the personalities and team sports interfere with interpretations. Sure Mark's website seems useful, even valuable, but that doesn't make him an untouchable purveyor of truth.

I've got no dog in the fight here, so wtf is going on?

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I have listened to a few podcasts with Mark and like Jessica Rose, have yet to hear them say anything of substance.

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Truth hurts bad break!

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Attorney Robert Barnes warned us about Sasha being a chaos & disinformation agent, I believe before Mark did some research on her. The Barnes videos are private so I'm sure Mark hasn't seen them. I'll be publishing some more clips of Barnes telling us that Sasha is lying to the public and why she's doing it. Hopefully Mark will add them to his database. Why do you support a vile, racist liar like Sasha?

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The one guy actually creating an archive of receipts while everyone else tosses around ridiculous speculation and runs cover for each other.

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They're not receipts, they are inferences at best.

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It’s a database of published documents and articles without commentary for public use.

Jessica Hockett is a narrative manager posing as a truther with no clear goal.

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Denis Rancourt said "dead is dead" in his All-Cause Mortality analysys. Jessica Hockett argued that they can also lie about death certificate, so the ACM starts from a naïve assumption.

That made me think: Jessica is forcing her argument a bit much. Why? But I didn't think she was a liar.

Internet drama and hero worship creates artifacts in the stage of the microscope that are not real organic structures.

But then, there's hubris. Hubristic people burn bridges all the time, just for the kicks.

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Jessica cryptically claimed that there might be fraud with the death numbers while floating out a loose theory about a chemical attack in NYC. I pushed back. She blocked.

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She's not the only one. Even JJ infectious clone theory parallels that hypothesis so wtf?!

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Oh prescient oracle JWM_IN_VA please link the archive for your body of work and sage warnings you're willing to put your name on, thanks!

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I'm sure Mark won't eventually turn on JJ right?

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Very odd their relationship is your concern & somehow you have cast yourself in a role of protecting Jay from dangers he can't grasp. #lolwut

Also a big yawn and lowest form of trolling to make a statement ending with ? as if that makes a question.

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Great all adults and professionals. Looks like there will be some form of collaboration, debate, whatever... Looking forward to it, because we have bigger fish to fry in the big picture. God Bless

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So from how this reads, Mark did some shit talking or said something that "triggered" her to the point she wants to cut communication, which is basically anyones' right, esp wrt to phone numbers. Mark needs to elaborate on his side of the conversation if JH doesn't want to...

I'm currently of the opinion that JH is working in good faith despite having ties/interactions to some obvious meddlers, which everyone seems to have had, so it remains to be seen if we're just throwing out the bath water. I expect this will get cleared up next pod.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

There is far too much left unsaid here.

My eyebrows raised a bit with Mark's du-jour zionism stuff getting into the stream and what I think is half-baked "hidden experimentation hypothesis" unlike the unit 731 stuff in China/Japan.

No need to tie yourself to the mast of his ship in a storm.

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According to ESPN, only 9.7% of Hail Mary attempts are completed.

God bless you, Jay.

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Are you keeping track of how many relationships Mark has poisoned for you? Seems like there’s one common denominator there.

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Anyone questioning Mark's research or ethics hasn't watched for long enough. My dirtbag tracking spans more than two decades and sorting the voices of value from chaff a well honed skill w rare exception.. Mark has been on my favorites list since about 2017 totally unrelated to anything Covidian.

The common denominator with Mark and Jay is being open minded enough to question all their beliefs and verify w exhaustive research. In fact their pairing is perfect and attempts to divide them stinks like week old fish in my book. :~)

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I’m not questioning Mark’s research because I don’t know enough about it, I don’t follow him closely. What I’m noticing is that since Mark got closer to JJ, there has been an active wedge between JJ and other ppl: Hockett, Sasha, Crawford… and who knows, maybe Jessica is a bad egg. There’s always questions that can come up in regard to someone’s character. But it’s starting to feel like JJ’s character assassinations have someone whispering in his ear. It feels manipulative and maybe JJ isn’t aware because he is in the thick of it. So, if Hockett wants a public forum to answer allegations, JJ should respond to that, not say it’s the end.

I have learned to trust your judgement in ppl, Pamela, so, Im not ruling Mark out as a bad egg. Just playing a little armchair psychology. Let the big kids duke it out, ya know?

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As an old warhorse in activist circles I make a concerted effort to evade the bulk of drama that is an inevitable part of every movement, even small groups have drama & like the endless landscape of NYC ads it's relegated to background noise not controlling my attention.

My focus is on learning and understanding with an emphasis on the Rockefeller-Gates-Monsanto-IGFarben Mafia and crimes against humanity with their toxic products and policy of dying for profits.

Sources who help advance my ability to understand and build on my decades of research and connect points that were huge gaps or new directions in my work... both Mark and Jay nail that in spades.

What's most peculiar for me is that for all the second hand reports of dustups & drama there is no discussion of the biology. To have the biology education Jay has given me in these past years is the gift two decades in wishing slogging through feeding studies & knowing there had to be tricks and lies but not armed to spot them myself. Now I can.

Free range RNA molecules cannot pandemic. Mother Nature makes the rules outside the labs & vats or petrie dishes. Hugely huge point that folks should be shouting from the rooftops NOT engaging in kiddie BS.

I never try to guess why folks do what they do.. guessing is worthless & more likely to eliminate 1 of 10,000 possibilities we can't imagine.. all my merit metrics are based on what the do in terms of adding value for the time spent.. I'm old and have repeated myself a billion times and seen lots of groups align and disperse over the decades & best policy is keep trying to grow the few favorites & let the rest pass like the throngs in the subway.. that said both Mark & Jay have long solid record as favorites!

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That’s fair. It does, however, appear that this is some kiddie BS that the favorites are engaging in. I think JJs biology theories track. Just like I think Crawford’s big picture dot connecting tracks. I don’t see Crawford putting out podcasts shitting on JJ yet I’ve witnessed it the other way around. So even if there’s something sus about Hockett (and I don’t know her work at all), I’m inclined to see it play out if it’s questionable ideas. Why don’t these people throwing out allegations have recorded debates, especially when approached by those they’re publicly damaging?

I, too, have found value in learning biology from JJ. But now that he has established himself as trustworthy in the biology vector of my brain, I find it weird that, since Mark has buddied up to him, he is stretching his flex into kiddie BS too.

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My gut says Mark and JH are both very suspicious. JH made my "spidey sense" tingle, from day one and Mark says nothing with many words.

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Crawford fell off my radar a long time ago & to be honest the fact that so much effort went into Campfire wiki and never heard it referenced or saw it linked by Mathew plus a new direction of no interest to me maybe two years since I looked at his anything. No clue no comment and no interest in who said what to whom.

What's your sudden burning interest here? I can't recall us crossing paths in any livestream of Jays or any Substack threads beyond our comments to each other on posts. Mine mostly Assange and street protests of all kinds and yours creative artistic journeys woven with real life and family. This feels like a hard sell from left field.

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You’re right. No real burning interest. Will get out of the thread now as my plate is full as it is. I haven’t really piped into any of JJs stuff because I was happy to watch from a distance. Always thought he was solid and would hate to see him fall prey to manipulation. Don’t know if Mark is doing that for sure, just felt like expressing that I noticed the shift post Mark’s presence and it’s worth acknowledging. I have no angle and am not here to defend Hockett or anyone. I don’t know her work. Perhaps I’ve had it enough with drama and gossip living in some private space to be aired out filtered through someone’s perspective. If you’re gonna bring the drama out, then fine, let’s see them Duke it out publicly. Enough of the whisper campaigns.

Wishing you the best, Pamela! Always love seeing your captures of the boots on the ground. I thought about you yesterday as they let Assange all off the plane and kiss his wife. I thought how you would have captured that tender moment. Life is full of drudgery and we forget how beautiful it can actually be. As I tell my kids constantly, love is the only answer. 💓

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what's the issue with Sasha Latapova? I'm not as up to date as I could be... Personally, I think we all have to keep open minds and be observant, too easy to be misled.

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Perfectly said, Pamela. I agree 100%

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You're not wrong. I haven't gravitated towards Mark and with this drama, I'd say it's my gut leading me in the right directions as usual. I think Dr J's personal situation (as brought about by the obvious Zersetzung they're doing to all of us, esp financially) makes him more susceptible to angry outbursts and ear-whispering since it's painful to come to the realization that them putting you in the ground (jabs, blackbag) is better than a "fate worse than death" which is them causing limitless psychological and financial toll on you and those you care about. That's the pointy end of the unaccountable big government tyranny of death by a thousand cuts from ideological midwits.

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Yes, that resonates. I think you’re quite right.

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No. I've been aware of him since his days with George Webb.

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Awesome then it should be easy as pie for you to cite specific errors in Mark's research w link to his claim and link to source that confirms his errors. Talk is cheap... bring the receipts more than happy to be corrected if a factual case can be built.. game on let's see specifics!!

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You mean implying Jessica Hockett is CIA???

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Same stupid statement with ? and another baseless claim.. sorry Skippy we need to finish with your citations of Mark's errors & source corrections we are not gonna play smear spam.. Show your evidence or raise your troll flag high!!

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JWM is in VA. Maybe even in a place that starts with an L. LOL

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That is what Mark did to both Jessica and Sasha

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Jessica did this all by herself. She blocked me when she was intentionally misleading people about NYC. She now runs cover for Pierre Kory's timeline.

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She blocked me as well a long time ago…

I always wondered why…

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Jessica doesn't allow anyone to engage with her unless they are agreeing with everything that she says and sharing her work on social media. She typically doesn't share the work of smaller accounts making good points and her general engagement with smaller accounts is talking down to them as if she fancies herself a know-all academic. Judging by what she wrote in the email above, that sounds about right.

Red flag.

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I noticed this frequently in comments people made on her substack. Sometimes she could be just plain rude to people who were supporting her work, and wanting to have a say about it. If it was not worded perfectly, she acted like a control monger. That way of treating others, who care, is a sign to stay cautious. "If people show you who they are, believe them" and trust your intution. Wish I had.

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She’s only interested in other people’s work if she can slap her name on it. Period.

Notice how many trolls were ready to pounce to defend someone who hasn’t contributed anything of importance since doing some FOIA requests back in 2022. Regular people doing honest work don’t get bot support.

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You're quite early with the "it's the trolls" assertion given that there are like ~7 people and 39 comments total in this thread so far. You sound like an unrequited lover. I haven't heard anything but guilt by association so far.

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Makes no sense.

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So you wanted to be boosted and she blocked you so undies are twisted. The rest sounds like modus operandi for most of social media participants.

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Please learn how to read.

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The butthurt comes through just fine.

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i thought she thought Kory's story was suspect??

I've been away for a few weeks and taking a much needed break from all the intrigue so miss a little miss a lot I guess

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Until she creates a timeline and intentionally leaves out the most suspect part of it. Very strange woman.

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Link? Would like to know what she left out

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I`m just walking into all this controversy, but I think Mr. JJ hurt some feelings, yes? These are women, after all, and you're a charismatic dude. Women LOOK UP to men, before they listen to them. Take my word for it, I've been married nearly forty years.

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This Jessica sounds like a typical spoilt child, of which we see so much now, who buys into the blocking of phone numbers reactions - how childish. Professional ranks have become filled with overgrown, and over paid, adolescents.

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I'd be blocking idiots too if they made baseless claims or irrelevant points about George Floyd.

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Please elaborate. I'm quite well versed with the evidence but not which narrative any particular pseudonym holds.

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