Thanks for the introduction in the video - it is really important. Those who feel similarly are hiding in the shadows with cobbled-together careers, dodging the mandates or eeking it out until retirement. Both situations are just to pay the bills and the joy is gone. The Machine rolls on.

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JJ, you are killing it!

Sharing the below everywhere with everyone... hope all will do the same or similar!

Neuro-Biologist-Naturalist, JJ Couey…

latest brilliant superstar/smart humans on the radar…

he was ecently hired by RFK Jr. at Childrens Health Defense (CHD), then laid-off by CHD presumably because he strongly differentiates between the ‘fantasy’ of viral “diffusion” (i.e., an RNA viral spread through the air) versus “transfection” (pathogen delivered by injection), which is what the kill-shot program is designed to be.

All while calling out the narrative manipulators such as Robert Malone, Kevin McKernan and others… as Dr. Alexander and of course the great/mysterious Sage Hannah!

In other words… RNA can not replicate itself without errors.

and… he expresses “regular dude” communication skills 😉

Couey’s “Gigaohm” Substack:


Gigaohm website:


Follow-up interview on Twitch:


JJ Couey X account:


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Excellent - I watched the video last night and copied it - superb. I also looked up Wolfgang. Thanks for putting up the transcript.

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I think it is fabulous to see JJ Couey on substack! Thank you!

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Wodarg speaks with great wisdom. Beautiful moment when you both connect on the ‘irreducible complexity’ of all.

Respect 🙏🏽

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We are not dealing with bad people, but we are up against an EVIL cabal:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Comparing Vax-Unvax


Bill Gates: vaccines for depopulation means extermination


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JJ ya GOTTA listen ta this BRILLIANT interview that Viviane F. & Reiner Fullmich conducted with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith -- THIS MAN SEZ ALL YOU FIGGERED OUT but he put it out there in 2022 !!!! All lab leaks BULLONEY! All the folks talkin' bout GOF--BULLOCKS! OMG ya gotta listen (an' mebbe interview this man)--it's like the entire Scooby Doo laid out--I wish I'd heard it (I heard so many of Reiner's great interviews)--as they say, check check check it out an' keep on doin' yer good work!

https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Session-128-Rabbi-Yitzchok-Dovid-Smith-Odysee-final:1 TEN MINUTE MARK gits it started (I think there mebbe a part 2?)

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What will you be doing to get off the GatekeepersClub JJ? You keep on with this horse shit clone theory which is just more nonsense to distract ppl. Why don't you just tell the truth? It's really not that difficult.


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So are you saying that there are no replication competent plasmids in the vaccines?

Are you saying that there is no risk of integration of DNA fragments from broken plasmids into the genome?

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How do a few number of people manipulate the 8 billion Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has the answer . He has 4 MIT degrees JJ.Couey should look him up. Dr. Shiva explains that there is not only an Establishment but also a Not So Obvious Establishment that controls us including through the Covid hoax https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEkgZtu_Q2Q

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JJ, I really appreciate your perspectives and the body of knowledge you bring to the discussion. However, I must absolutely disagree with your suggestion that these academics should be leaders in the community. Maybe I am misunderstanding your statement, but people who have no ethics, who are so full of hubris, who are so desensitized to the humane and moral have no business being in leadership positions in civil society.

Perhaps you are saying that they could have avoided being programmed in this manner if they had had more a human connection in their upbringing and early adulthood, if they had avoided the social isolation of academia and had more grounding in society with a broader social context? BTW, I'm not sure that "monastic" is the most accurate term to express what you're saying...there were some very positive elements of monasticism. "Social isolation" would be a more appropriate option. Anyway, I'd appreciate some clarification.

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Need a quick search and replace on these "Speaker 1" and "Speaker 2" labels, please.

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