JJ!!! I am sooo grateful you are finally here..... I found out about you last year and have been posting your twitch videos EVERYWHERE....... I don't have heroes anymore these days but you are the exception!!! ❤

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First JJ post I ever speedread. Very Sage Hana flavoured. Me likey. Malone and RFK seem compromised to me. Bottom line, we are all fucked but I prefer to know how and why, even if I cannot stop it. The overlords may kill me but will never dupe me in the process. Fuck em

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Thankyou for being true to the Art of Scientific inquiry. Having the opportunity to observe someone who is grounded in their study, who can communicate like a Rock Star, who is true to their spirit - ! It gives me hope that not everyone is arking and becomming tonedeaf. I so appreciate having the opportunity to listen in, to observe your passion and to feel the love & care you hold for humanity.

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Only one thing could be more perfect.. links!! <3

Twitch recent streams & live -> https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological

Rumble Gigaohm recent streams -> https://rumble.com/user/GigaohmBiological

Rumble Gigaohm archives -> https://rumble.com/c/GigaohmBiologicalArchive

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JJ, I feel you are in this fight up to your (and your family’s) eyeballs and perhaps more importantly…

in it to find and expose the truth and simultaneously preserve your integrity…

and perhaps not so focused on identifying and exposing the culprits who unleashed and/or covered-up this kill program.

My sense is that the truth will only survive and thrive if those responsible are held to account. Humanity has failed to do this over and over again…

and I will save all the examples that come to my mind for another time, as I’m quite sure you know of many.


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OmGolly--it's a new Scooby Doo-- they're tryin' ta say that this OLD GOF "avian boid flu" wuz "covid" which "covered up" the REAL GOF bird flu--that wuz (drumroll...) super dangerous! No cure! Laser pointer aimed at Fauxchee & Daszak-- this is HILARIOUS ('cept some will fall for this spakin' new con)--go to it JJ if ya think folks are gonna buy this malarkey... keep 'em comin'!


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check out Shatter the Swarm with Dr. Shiva who has 4 MIT degrees including in systems Biology

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Take a look at KM’s recent post: https://anandamide.substack.com/p/viroids-and-obelisks

In it, he links to sars2.net: https://sars2.net/nopandemic.html which seeks to debunk yeadon, rancourt, jessica hockett and JJ, and more.

The author seems anonymous. Open question: Who runs sars2.net?

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